About 3 weeks ago, Miss Kavi gave us back our essay that we did on sustainable development. I am here to share about my essay content and the knowledge i have gained from it.
My essay is about photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic is the direct conversion of light into electricity at the atomic level. Thus, it is able to provide energy for mankind to use. Using the input, output, flow and store method, I tried to convey my point that photovoltaic cells is an invention that is sustainable to both the human kind and the environment. i believe that this method was effective in bringing my message across as i was able to explain why and how photovoltic cells is benefitial to us.
However, i feel that i could have improved my essay with the use of diagrams as this could help bring out my point better.
Also, i could have be elaborate on some of my points more clearly as some of my points were quite vague.
That's about it. I feel that i did okay for my essay. Hope you all have learned something useful from your essay
I understand that there are several ways to capture solar energy, such as using photovoltaic cells, thermal mass or passive solar techniques such as orienting a building to the sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air. However, I am not too sure whether photovoltaic cells are better than other methods in terms of energy efficiency. I think that in the context of Singapore, passive solar technique is cheaper and it is also quite efficient as Singapore receives sunlight all year-round.
Tuong (21)
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