
About my essay reflection (Energyyy)

Hey class,

About two weeks ago, we got our essays back and I read the comment given by Ms Kavi. My essay introduces a project idea of generating energy called Energy-from-Waste and evaluates its feasibility and effectiveness. I’m just here to share both the essay’s content and what I’ve learned from it.

Firstly, about the content:

My inspiration is that Energy-from-Waste (EfW) can not only generate energy, but also process waste and thus, save lots of time and money. This is the most However, it involves two topics and can easily go confusing. In the second, third, fourth and fifth paragraph, I write about the input, output, flow and store respectively. Although I intended to show the whole process step by step, it seemed to refer not only one project idea. In this respect, I think that my too-detailed explanation did not focus on the most important idea of the whole process. Since I am doing energy part, I should have written more about how waste is converted to usable energy and eliminate the words describing where the waste comes from and how exhaust is dealt with. That’s what I think how to make my clarification clearer.

In addition, using diagrams or graph is a very effective approach to clearly demonstrate what you are talking about. My project idea is not hard to understand but has a lot of steps. To make sure the readers are well followed, I should use a simple diagram to show the complex processes.

Secondly, about the language:

Since the essay is likely to be professional and convincing, rhetoric questions cannot be used in such kind of essays. Another thing I learned is that when you summarized the research with lots of professional terms, you should generally know the concepts first. If you just intend to make it simple and understandable and guess what the concepts mean, the ideas will be distorted.

OK, I think that’s it! Generally my essay is not so badly done…it’s not good though. Hope you all learn something from your essays, whatever the marks you get.

Lei Peng (20) :D



At 21 May 2010 at 10:10 pm , Blogger IS2104_blog_jh403 said...

cos this is our fist time to write an essay in system approach, you may be not familiar with the input, store, output and flow. that is the reason why your content is not in process. what i learnt from your is that a good method to express your idear is using diagram or graph. the audience may be essy to get the point, see how the flow come out. language is always an aspect we need to improve. we can master it with more and more practices.
ZhangRuizhi (25)


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