
24 March

Hi class, so do you remember 24 March was one of the super hot days? We were complaining to Ms Kavi that the weather was so hot and that we were all perspiring like crazy? Ms Kavi told us that there was an uneven heating in localized environment. Basically she said that there were many different factors that actually affect the uneven heating. One of the factors was due to El-Nino (worsening effect).

El-Nino is a climate pattern that occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean on average every five years, but over a period which varies from three to seven years, and is therefore, widely and significantly, known as "quasi-periodic." Also, we were taught of what is the global circulation of air. Net heat will tend to lose or gain.

Net heat loss: Higher albedo, ice reflects insolation (mostly occurs at polar area/ regions)

This means that the air is more dense, sinks, contracts and has a higher pressure.

Net heat gain: Mostly occurs at equatorial regions/temperate regions: Angle of incidence refers to the amount of solar insolation received is higher than that lose to atmosphere.

This means that the air is less dense, expands, rises, and has a lower pressure.

Lastly we learnt about the convection cell. Convection cell is a concept in plate tectonics that accounts for the lateral or the upward and downward movement of subcrustal mantle material as due to heat variation in the earth. We were taught till here for today’s lesson. So if you are interested to find out what exactly is the convection cells named as and what happen in the different cells, stay tuned for the next post!:)

Geraldine Lim (09)


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